Welcome to the S.H.B.R.G. WebSDR receiver, located in JO21PR, 's-Hertogenbosch, Hogeslagen.

View from PI2SHB, in the distance PI1SHB and PI6SHB.

S.H.B.R.G. stands for 's-Hertogenbosch Repeater Group, we are part of the VERON A25.
For information about S.H.B.R.G, please have a look at https://shbbg.wordpress.com.

The receivers are 3 times RTL-USB Stick's and 5 times SDRPlay RSP1A.
The RSP1As are modified and are using an external clock signal from a GPSDO unit.
The same for RTL-USB stick and LNB for 10 GHz they use too external reference from
GPSDO unit..

18-02-2024: New receiver installed for 438-440 MHz. The receiver is
a RSP1A with external reference 24 MHz from a GPSDO. Preparations
for 24 GHz are ongoing, not yet outdoor unit installed.
Many thanks to PA3GCO, PD1ANF and PD9BG for the great help today.
23-10-2020: A makeover of our websdr, Thanks to Steijn for his big effort to help us to make this possible.
22-08-2020: The Antenna for 433-435 Band was change to a X300 instead of the SG7900, the performance is way.. way.. better.
Thanks to PD1ANF and PD9BG for supplying the X300.
15-08-2020: Thanks to PD1ANF for supplying a RSP1A, the new band is from 433 MHz up to 435 MHz, part of this band is
HAMRadio and LPD.
08-08-2020: Testing 10 GHz sdr reciever set build by PA3GCO.
Consisting of a modified "HD-Line LNB" and a "RTL-USB" stick.
Both are locked to GPSDO. Direction is set to west.
31-07-2020: We did maintance today, improved stability for the 2 meters RSP1A.
The RSP1A didn't lock allways to the external refence of 24 MHz.
25-07-2020: We modified the RSP1A, now it is using external reference of 24 MHz, GPSDO locked.

We have installed a bandpass filter for 23 cm. Thanks to PA3GCO.
We replaced the RTL-SDR on 2 meters for a SDRPlay RSP1A. Thanks to Bas ON5HB for his support.
On sundays, between 11:00 hours and 14:00 hours, we switch APRS server PI1SHB to RX only.

More information about the WebSDR project can be found on http://www.websdr.org Thanks to Pieter Tjerk, PA3FWM.

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Allow keyboard:
j k ← →: freq down/up (+shift/ctrl/alt faster)
u l c a f: USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM
z Z: center/zoom waterfall
g: enter frequency

70 cm preset:
23 cm preset:
2 meter presets:

? dB; peak ? dB;
mute squelch autonotch

Signal strength plot:

Or tune by clicking/dragging/scrollwheel on the frequency scale.

? kHz @ -6dB; ? kHz @ -60dB.

Or drag the passband edges on the frequency scale.

Waterfall view:
Or use scroll wheel and dragging on waterfall.

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